Column 1 question #3 5/15/18

If you could study one subject in school that wasn’t offered, what would it be and why? A subject that I would study that is not offered in school would be a veterinarian class. When i graduate and go to college I want to go to college to be a veterinarian. So having a class that relates to veterinarian in high school would get me a head start. The reason I want to go to college to be a veterinarian is because I like to help things, and I like animals.

Column 2 Question #2 4/14/18

What qualities make someone a good friend? Some good qualities that make someone a good friend are: honesty, dependable, supportive, and trustworthy. Honesty is a good quality because you would not want one of your best friends lying to you. Dependable is also a good quality because you do not want to make plans with someone and they cancel last minute. Being supportive in a friendship is good because when you have a lot going on in your life you do not want a best friend making you feel worse about yourself. The last great quality is trustworthy and having a trustworthy friend is great because no one wants someone going behind your back and talking bad about you. 

Column 1 Question 1 5/14/18

If you could change anything about your first year in high school what would it be and why? If I could change anything about my first year in high school I would change my studying habit. I would change my studying habit because if I study at all it is always last minute and I do not do to good on tests. Another thing I would want to change is paying attention in classes more, if you do not pay attention you will most likely know what will be on the tests, so you would not know what to study and not do good on the test.


  1. Do you think women should take men’s last name when they marry? Why or why not.

I don’t think a women should be forced to take the last name, but I think it makes sense to. For one thing it is somewhat easier on other people to tell who is related to who if a couple has the same last name. If they had kids and the kid had two last names, that would be confusing. Marriage is a symbol of two people who love each other a lot coming together to be closer, and sharing a last name would help symbolize that in my opinion.

Question #3 2/28/18

What complications might arise if one’s family disapproves of his or her choice in a wife or husband?

If your family does not like your choice of a husband or wife then, your family might not invite you to a lot of things because your husband or wife would most likely go with you. Your family would most likely stop going over to your house since your husband or wife would be there. Your husband or wife could start arguements with your family on purpose. If you and your family has a big family tradition, your new husband or wife could ruin that for your family.

Question #2 2/26/18

How important do you think the approval of one’s family is in selecting a wife or husband?

In my opinion, I believe that the family approval is a very important because if my family does not like my husband then I would hate being around my husband and family at the same time, because if your family does not like your husband or wife then being around your family would be awkward. When your family does not like your husband or wife then you could be focused on keeping them apart instead of worrying about yourself. Also, when you are trying to keep your family from you husband or wife away from each other then you can super stressed out.

Is lying ever justified? #2 2/9/18

Is lying ever justified? Explain your answer.

I believe that lying is not justified because a generally truthful world is a good thing. Lying diminishes trust between people. When you lie then the world would become difficult, because if someone catches you in a lie then that person would typically not believe you anymore. Lying can destroy everything, friendships, trust between people, family relations. Lying is lying, and it does not bring you to reality. We are always told to face reality, We are always told to face our fears, yet we lie to ourselves, and to other people because we are not ready to face reality, because we don’t want to get the answers we need, so we lie. We escape from reality and we want to go to the place we want to go to.

How hard is it to keep a secret?#1 2/9/18

How  hard is it to keep a secret? Are there circumstances when you think when you should break a promise about keeping a secret?

I personally think it is easy to keep a secret because if someone tells you something and doesn’t want you to tell anyone else then you shouldn’t. I do believe there are circumstances when keeping a secret because if someone tells you a secret and it is a personal secret then that person would expect you to keep the secret between you and that person. If someone tells you a secret and that secret is about someone then I feel like you should go and tell that person. I also believe that if someone tells you a secret and the secret is talking about harming themselves or someone else then I would tell someone about the secret to keep people safe. Because if someone trusts  you enough to tell them a secret bout themselves then you keep it to yourself, because I would hate if one of my friends told people my personal secrets.

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